The pelvic floor muscles support the bladder, bowel, uterus and vagina in females (the bladder and bowel in men). They are located between the coccyx and pubic bone.
How do the pelvic floor muscles work?
The pelvic floor muscles contract and relax. Squeezing them stops urine and waste material from leaking, and relaxing them allows you to urinate and poo. Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can prevent and help urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. They also play a part in sexual function.
What causes weakened pelvic floor muscles?
Child birth
Being overweight
How do I know if my pelvic floor muscles are working?
If you can easily stop the flow of urine then your pelvic floor muscles are working. However, do not do this too much as it can cause further problems.
How do I identify my pelvic floor muscles?
Relax the muscles of your thighs, buttocks and stomach.
Squeeze in the muscles around the urethra or front passage as if trying to stop the flow of urine or passing gas
The muscles around the urethra and anus should squeeze up and inside the pelvis.
Identify the muscles that contract when you do all these things together. Then relax and loosen them.
Pelvic floor exercises
Identify the muscles and squeeze them 10 to 15 times
Do not hold your breath
Do not tighten your stomach, bottom or thighs
Hold each squeeze for a second longer
Do pelvic floor exercise at least once a day but try not to over do it as well
There are apps that can send you reminders to do your exercises and talk you through the process
When to seek professional help
If pelvic floor exercises have not helped with urinary incontinence
If you are experiencing pain when exercising the pelvic floor muscles
If you are experiencing pain during intercourse
How do I book a consultation?
You can book a consultation with Evi Bakali via her secretary or direct with Spire Healthcare.
Appointments are available via private medical insurance or paying for yourself. Click here for the most up to date self funding fees and for private medical insurance information.