Pain in your pelvis can be sudden and severe pain in your lower abdomen or a longer-lasting chronic pain.
Many people describe pelvic pain as a sharp stabbing pain or a feeling of pressure, cramping and aching.
What can cause pelvic pain?
Sexually transmitted infections
Treatment for pelvic pain
Treatment would depend on what is causing the pain. Your Consultant Gynaecologist will carry out tests to diagnose what is causing your period pain and discuss your individual treatment plan with you.
Usually ovarian cysts will go away on their own but they can be surgically removed if they are causing you persistent problems. Most cysts can be removed with minimal access surgery such as a laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy is a type of keyhole surgery used to diagnose and treat endometriosis by removing the endometriosis tissue.
Treatment may depend on the severity of your period cramps and what is causing them as conditions such as adenomyosis, endometriosis, fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease can cause and worsen period pain.
Some women may develop pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP). If you are experiencing pelvic pain in pregnancy your first step should be to let your midwife know.
If your UTI has been confirmed you will probably be given antibiotics. If you have recurrent or long term UTI then you may need to see a Consultant Gynaecologist for further testing.
Sexually transmitted infections
Depending on the type of STI, you may be given antibiotics or anti viral medication.
If you have been told you have a gynaecological cancer, such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, womb cancer or vulva cancer, you may require further tests to determine the grading and stage of the cancer. The further tests may include blood tests, CT scans and MRI scans.
Your treatment plan will depend on the size of your cancer.
You will most likely have surgery which may entail:
removing part of the affected cervix
removing the whole cervix and upper part of the vagina
a hysterectomy to remove the cervix and uterus
a hysterectomy to remove the cervix, uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
You may also need your lymph nodes removed to prevent the cancer spreading, and chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
It is important to get checked out if you have persistent pelvic pain and any other unusual symptoms, such as bloating and bleeding in between periods, to rule out anything serious and get the underlying cause treated.
How do I book a consultation?
You can book a consultation with Evi Bakali via her secretary or direct with Spire Healthcare.
Appointments are available via private medical insurance or paying for yourself. Click here for the most up to date self funding fees and for private medical insurance information.